Tuesday, September 2, 2014

Excerpt: Common Sense for Your Inbox or Timeline

In case you come across this site, I want to direct you to the primary Average Joe Blog. So, hte following is an excerpt from last weeks' post regarding the ramblings people like to share on social media before getting their facts straight. It's a good idea to check things out before passing them along as the truth.

You can read the full article here:

Common Sense for Your Inbox or Timeline

Fortunately we are all familiar enough these days with the concept of urban legends not to fall for many of the emails that used to catch people. Nobody is fearful of waking up in a bathtub of ice with no kidneys anymore. And nobody is going to give their bank account info to a Sudanese Prince so eh can stash some money there. BUT, there are still things that get floated out there, via email and social media, that are completely bogus.

This particular email was requesting an opinion on a story with a link. As it was from a trusted friend, and we discuss such topics often, I clicked and was taken to a story about a new gas tax that is set to start on January 1st, 2015. The kicker was, it was for an additional $3 per gallon.
 But seriously, why is it that people will question anything good they hear about you, but will believe all the bad without hesitation?

And, for the rest of the story, visit the link above. There are more examples showing how ignorant people are misleading the public, and how blindly passing that misinformation along helps to further damage the public since most are incapable of thinking for themselves.

Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Two Down, Twenty or So To Go

The first two volumes of the Average Joe's Common Sense Guide series have been released. In the couple of weeks since they were released, more than 100 copies of each have been sold and feedback has been amazing.

The first volume, and effective intro to the series, is "An Average Joe's Common Sense Guide to... Common Sense". As the title suggest, common sense is the basis of the entire series, so the focus had to be placed on this uncommon occurrence to get things going. As Paul Harvey said, "Common sense is uncommon". We all know at least one person who seems to have a complete lack of common sense. If you don't, well...

Average Joe's Common Sense Guide to Common Sense, Cover

Volume two is based on the topic that drove this entire idea to begin with. I have been frustrated for years by the nonsense being spouted forth when it comes to the environment. The desire to get people to wake up and realize the REAL (and much more "convenient") truth that man made global warming is a sham, was what drove me to come up with the Average Joe book, which then transitioned into a series of short books. The idea is that, any Average Joe can do a little bit of research and realize, for themselves, that what the media is spoon feeding you is not necessarily reality. Hence in all of my books I make a plea to people to do their own research and form their own opinions. Don't just drink the cool-aid. So, the second volume in the series is "An Average Joe's Common Sense Guide to... Environmentalism". don't expect another rant against big oil, big SUV's or the like. I'm a former oilfield worker, and I drive a large V8 powered SUV.

I'm currently in the process of creating the next 3 volumes. #5 is going to be REALLY fun. The next three will be An Average Joe's Common Sense Guide to:

Vol. 3 - Parenting

Vol. 4 - Relationships

And finally, Vol. 5 - An Average Joe's Common Sense Pictorial Guide to... Everyday Life. This could very well be the most complete set of images, all focused around the concept or common sense, or sometimes the lack there of, you will ever find. And, of course, what would these images be without a little cometary from The Average Joe himself, yours truly.

Things have been amazing so far, and promise to only get better. I look forward to helping spread the word about the uncommon gift of common sense.


Monday, July 22, 2013

Getting the Ball Rolling

Welcome to the Average Joe's Common Sense Guide Blogger blog. I hope you enjoy your stay.

The "Average Joe's Common Sense Guide" books are informational with a heavy dose of opinion. Whether you agree with the opinions expressed or not, I hope you still get some enjoyment out of reading them. Feel free to come back here, or to the Facebook Page, facebook.com/AverageJoeGuide, and leave your feedback. Dissenting viewpoints are ALWAYS welcome!

This site will be dedicated to posting excerpts from the books as well as links to them on Amazon and to the episodes of my podcast where we will discuss the topics from the books with guests and in monologue fashion.